

A developer of battery-charging and battery-switching services for electric cars designed an intelligent infrastructure to support the use of electric vehicles in a real world environment, 不影响现有的电力基础设施. 从充电点, 车载软件, 运营中心, 切换电台, 汽车和电池, 该公司为全球电动汽车创造了一个无缝的运营环境. Striving to make electric car travel as commonplace as existing standard gas vehicles, 该公司迅速向这一目标迈进.



  • 500名员工


  • 澳大利亚,丹麦,以色列,荷兰, & 美国


  • 企业网络管理 & 分析

一家电动汽车十大赌博正规老平台公司需要支持他们开创性的全球研究, 拥有始终在线的网络十大赌博正规老平台的开发和运营团队. Initially network management was accomplished through a mix of disparate tools which did not provide the proactive or efficient network management capabilities that were critical to their business growth and success.

Perhaps the greatest IT engineering challenge for any growing company is its ability to respond quickly when adding new services and supporting a growing end-user base. The network in this study was rapidly evolving and had over 180 devices consisting of routers and switches and over 1000 servers.


该公司清楚地知道他们的最终目标是什么:主动监控, 敏捷和高效的操作, 减少运营成本, minimize time-to-market—all of these wrapped around a customer-centric IT organization that could deliver reliable IT services globally. 这些因素促成了企业网络管理的选择. Entuity enables an all-in-one enterprise network management solution that can easily scale to meet their future expansion requirements. The inherent advantage of an inclusive product ensures more efficiency with a single focal point for management. “The data we receive from Entuity is extremely useful in our day-to-day environment. 它涵盖了我们在主动监控中非常依赖的一系列指标. 动态地图, custom reports and graphs allow us to better control and manage our network performance for all of our users worldwide,公司的IT经理说. 实体数据有助于规划能力, 将运营支出保持在合理水平, 部署可靠的十大赌博正规老平台等等.

The electric car services company was forward thinking and designed an integrated Business Service Management (BSM) strategy to connect all their IT functions, 例如:CMDB, 变更管理, 十大赌博正规老平台台, 数据中心, 应用程序管理以及网络基础设施监控. 企业网络管理 incorporates seamlessly into BMC’s BSM platform creating a strong, 将网络基础设施细节提供给BSM平台的综合方法. This integration provides a unified management strategy that fosters faster response times, 需要较少的体力劳动, 提高准确性和操作效率. Applying Entuity network infrastructure data to BMC’s Truesight Operations Management eliminates data silos and network blind spots and ensures high levels of application and network performance. +, this out-of-the-box Entuity integration with BMC eliminated the need and cost for developing a complex custom interface.

这家公司正在利用Entuity的各种功能. 例如, Custom dashboards for business key performance indicators and KPI metrics for every device and interface helps them to understand how the network is performing. 因为公司遍布全球, real time graphs for traffic volume and utilization are used to adjust the traffic flow where necessary. 另外, using the Entuity NetFlow application integrated in the Entuity network monitoring solution, they can pinpoint and address Top Talkers that are causing network congestion issues all from the same single pane of glass. 无需从网络管理跳转到NetFlow应用程序, it is all combined into a single source solution—saving time and utilizing appropriate infrastructure data for a complete management platform. 更重要的是, historical flow records that are captured aid in planning future network capacity requirements to keep the network at reliable performance levels.

Technology startups understand the need for operational efficiency as most employees wear multiple hats. The business fully exploits Entuity automation features to deliver accurate topology maps through continuous auto-discovery so they can understand what is on their network without expending any manual effort. Gathering appropriate network data is routine with preset report generation capabilities. 这些开箱即用的报告可以节省时间,其中包含重要的网络运行状况详细信息, 能力报告, 按地点划分的表现, 空闲端口, 还有更多. “It is very easy to capture the data we need to be effective in managing our network,IT经理说, “我们从定制仪表板中获得了很多价值. Entuity帮助我们管理网络,以反映我们的独特需求.”

“We rely on Entuity to help us get through the rigors of everyday network monitoring with the confidence to proactively handle events, maximize our IT staff and supply outstanding service delivery to our entire company”

The company finds Entuity’s advanced automation features on the consolidated event console extremely helpful for looking at particular device changes. It’s easy to drill down and analyze what is happening with devices for a rapid resolution. Using Entuity, they have now reduced the time it takes to resolve events by 40% or more.

“We rely on Entuity to help us get through the rigors of everyday network monitoring with the confidence to proactively handle events, maximize our IT staff and supply outstanding service delivery to our entire company,IT经理说. 他们使用紧密集成的netflow, 配置, and physical and virtual monitoring to provide the precise traction required to run an enterprise class network. With critical network visibility and the all in one feature set of Entuity network management, 其结果是一种简化的方式来管理网络. 据公司介绍, “We set out to find a network management solution that would equip us with proactive monitoring to meet the extreme demands of our end users. 我们需要一种快速响应变化并有效运作的方法. 很明显,Entuity已经达到了我们严格的要求, 这使我们能够有效地实现以客户为中心的目标. 进取让我们走上正轨.”

“The data we receive from Entuity is extremely useful in our day-to-day environment. 它涵盖了我们在主动监控中非常依赖的一系列指标. 动态地图, custom reports and graphs allow us to better control and manage our network performance for all of our users worldwide.”

企业免去了网络管理的工作. 我们的高度自动化, Uni企业级解决方案将深度网络洞察置于您的指尖, frees IT staff to focus on strategic projects and easily integrates with major frameworks and networking environments. Entuity’s support and services teams are frequently praised for their rapid response, 网络专业知识和参与特殊活动. 由两位金融行业的高级IT主管于1997年创立, Entuity总部设在伦敦,美国业务设在波士顿.