

丰富的里夫斯 出版日期:2024年5月13日

IT团队比以往任何时候都负担过重. Keeping pace with rapid technological changes as part of ongoing digital transformation is difficult; factor in that 运行IT基础设施的成本持续上升员工流失的威胁是非常真实的.

随着不断发展的环境和缺乏时间的内部IT团队, Expertise, 以及处理这些情况的资源, 许多人转向 IT基础设施管理 寻求帮助的伙伴.


下面, 我们将探讨基础设施管理十大赌博正规老平台的好处, 以及在选择托管十大赌博正规老平台提供商时要查找的内容. This will demonstrate how outsourcing IT infrastructure duties enables business growth 和 profitability, 当与经验丰富的托管基础设施十大赌博正规老平台提供商合作时.


基础设施管理十大赌博正规老平台 involves the transfer of internal IT infrastructure duties 和 components to an external Managed Service Provider (MSP). 它包括与数据中心和云相关的广泛十大赌博正规老平台. The goal of managed infrastructure services is to guarantee that an organization’s infrastructure runs smoothly 和 is regularly supported, 监控, 和维护.

Managed services can include design 和 optimization tasks 以及 the day-to-day responsibilities for various technologies related to server, 存储, 网络设备. 在这种情况下 外包网络运营中心 或者利用企业运营中心.



那么为什么要使用托管十大赌博正规老平台提供者呢? The overall aim of partnering with an MSP is to allow organizations to optimize their IT operations 和 enable growth. We have demonstrated how this can be achieved with eight infrastructure managed services benefits below.

1. 报道

One of the main advantages of infrastructure managed services is broadened coverage. 完整的可用性与全天候支持保持平稳运行, 这是很多组织自己无法提供的, particularly when you consider that coverage with an MSP can be made available 24/7, 一年365天.

对于许多, existing environment’s employees will be ”on call” 和 not actively monitoring infrastructure performance at all hours of the day, 因此,任何中断都不会被迅速发现, 哪个会更糟 平均探测时间(MTTD) 因素. 企业可以依靠持续的覆盖, 快速解决问题, 和 reduced disruptions when they outsource infrastructure management to a managed service provider, 因为msp甚至可以通过远程十大赌博正规老平台全天候工作. This service increases in-house productivity in the long-term, due to fewer distractions.

2. 避免停机时间

有效减少停机时间 IT部门使用托管十大赌博正规老平台提供商的另一个原因是什么. Through Managed Service Providers’ Expertise, IT teams can prevent instances of downtime. An MSPs’ experience also makes it possible to quickly detect any potential infrastructure issues before they become serious interruptions, 甚至在它们发生之前. A key infrastructure managed service provider benefit is ensuring continuous operations while maintaining productivity.

3. 解决技能差距

与托管十大赌博正规老平台提供商合作的一个共同好处是解决任何现有的技能差距. 这种差距可能由于各种原因而产生, 比如长期十大赌博正规老平台的员工退休, 或者是员工流失造成的人员流失.

为您的IT团队寻找合适的替代者是一项艰巨的任务, 由于缺乏经验或者现在的雇佣成本, 然而,msp可以提供帮助,因为他们将拥有一个专家团队, 凭借多年的经验, 管理任何问题.

4. 补充人手不足的团队

The fourth in the list of managed infrastructure service benefits is the readiness to complement short, 组成的团队. 例如,如果Linux团队正在经历扩展的需求增加 Linux十大赌博正规老平台器环境,那么msp可以介入协助(而不是取代)!)内部团队

通过利用托管十大赌博正规老平台公司的Expertise和资源, 组织可以加强他们现有的团队, 确保关键基础设施组件的无缝管理.

5. 整合管理

管理十大赌博正规老平台器, 存储, 和 network components in data center 和 cloud environments involves skill sets across several technology stacks. 管理十大赌博正规老平台提供商雇用精通这些学科的工程师, 同时为这些技术人员提供培训, 为了跟上最新的潮流. This technique creates a deep level of Expertise 和 streamlines management of the infrastructure.

6. 减少MTTR

管理十大赌博正规老平台提供商减少 平均恢复时间(MTTR) 通过主动监视基础设施运行状况和性能, 保持系统/软件的更新, 将日常任务自动化. MSP’s build a knowledge base across the 客户 they support 和 this experience helps identify the underlying cause of incidents, 速度修复, 并且还可以防止复发.

7. 关注优先事项

回收宝贵的时间,否则会花在平凡的日常工作上, 再次强调了托管基础设施十大赌博正规老平台的重要性. 而不是把注意力集中在维持供电上, IT departments can redirect their efforts towards large projects 和 strategic goals.

This shift in focus allows organizations to leverage their engineering talent more effectively, 推动对公司利润产生影响的举措, 哪些是由于资源限制而被搁置的.

8. 防止员工流失

Another benefit of outsourcing infrastructure services through managed services is preventing employee attrition. 员工离职是不可避免的, 但避免这种情况的一种方法是外包和自动化重复性任务, 哪些可以提高员工的工作生活质量.

Employees weighed down with on-call responsibilities or working off-hours may experience decreased job satisfaction 和 increased stress, 可能导致人员流失. 通过将这些任务委托给托管十大赌博正规老平台提供商, 员工满意度提高了,保留率也提高了, which generates a healthier work-life balance that benefits both employees 和 the whole organization.



有许多IT基础设施托管十大赌博正规老平台提供商, 不同的规模和经验, 更不用说能力了. 如果正在考虑托管基础设施十大赌博正规老平台和支持, 这里有五个需要注意的因素.

1. 必要的保险

当与托管十大赌博正规老平台提供商合作时,24/7的支持通常是必不可少的. Having that MSP available at all times ensures in-house staff are working only to their core schedule 和 not being disturbed out-of-hours, 所有这些都保持了连续性和可靠性.

Without this level of coverage organizations rely on out-of-office hours on-call staff, 哪个在成本和员工满意度方面都是昂贵的.

2. Expertise

Choosing a Managed Service Provider with the right Expertise that is tailored to your business needs is crucial. 需求的范围从解决十大赌博正规老平台器环境中的容量缺口, 精简团队, 或者解决网络中断问题. Being able to provide these processes also ties into the service bundle the infrastructure MSP is offering.

3. 综合十大赌博正规老平台

Receiving a wide range of services from a single service provider can be beneficial for IT departments. This approach not only simplifies operations by eliminating the need to work with multiple vendors, 同时也确保了十大赌博正规老平台提供的便利性和一致性. 因此,MSP能够提供一系列专业十大赌博正规老平台是非常重要的.

许多组织更喜欢单一的联系点来满足各种IT需求, 包括十大赌博正规老平台器, 存储, 以及网络管理, 以及 硬件维护专业十大赌博正规老平台 特殊项目.

4. 可扩展性和灵活性

A big thing to look for when choosing an MSP partner is scalability 和 flexibility. 问问题:

  • 这个托管十大赌博正规老平台合作伙伴能够和你一起成长吗?
  • 当涉及到你的需要和要求时,他们是否灵活?
  • 他们能够满足这些需求和要求吗?

A reliable MSP should demonstrate the ability to meet both current 和 future needs, 提供灵活的解决方案,可根据具体要求进行定制.

5. 积极的结果

A proven track record 和 positive references are vital in evaluating the credibility 和 Expertise of an infrastructure managed service provider. These 因素 demonstrate tangible evidence of the MSP’s capability to deliver quality services 和 support.


通过与Park Place Technologies合作, IT人员可以专注于他们的主要业务目标, 节省运营开支, 提升基础设施性能, 接受专家协助, 允许他们获得托管十大赌博正规老平台提供商的好处.

With the help of our powerful monitoring technologies 和 our 7×24 Enterprise Operations Center (EOC) engineers, 侨福管理十大赌博正规老平台™ will maintain your infrastructure operations 和 apply updates on a regular, prompt, basis.

Contact Park Place Technologies to learn how we can effectively manage your entire infrastructure!



Rich is the Senior Solutions Engineer for Park Place’s Managed 十大赌博正规老平台 division 和 is tasked with aligning Managed 十大赌博正规老平台 solutions to our customer’s needs. He also actively collaborates with the Onboarding 和 Enterprise Operations teams to ensure delivery of Park Place’s Managed 十大赌博正规老平台. He brings over 20 years of IT experience across several operational roles before joining Park Place in 2018.